eLearning Titles Available

OPTIONS - Our LMS, Your LMS, No LMS and DIY Trainer's Portal 

We're always adding new titles to our course library. 
Scroll down this page to learn more about each eLearning Course available.

Remember, each course offers many options to support how you want courses to be accessed, managed & used.

Note: Typical Course duration times given are indicative only. Times can vary considerably depending on the individual learner, any prior knowledge/experience and many other factors. The "70% complete this course in..." times also provided is based on 1,000's of actual recorded course completions.

8 Aged Care Quality Standards

8 Aged Care Quality Standards - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour 30 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 1hr 17 Minutes or LESS

Organisations that provide aged care services have a certain level of care that is expected of them from their consumers. The 8 Aged Care Quality Standards focus on the outcomes of this care for the consumers in the aged care community.

This eLearning course will provide an introduction to, and general understanding of the 8 Aged Care Quality Standards, their overall requirements, and a summary of the processes involved in implementing a high level of these standards.

All Aged Care Service providers also have a responsibility to ensure all workers have an understanding of the 8 Standards. This eLearning course is a handy resource to assist with meeting this requirement.

A Healthy You - Understanding Self

A Healthy You - Understanding Self - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 35 Minutes or LESS

Caring for yourself is one of the most important and often forgotten things you can do as a caregiver. When your needs are taken care of, the person you care for will also benefit.

This eLearning course provides some useful tips, advice and guidelines to help you understand the importance of self-care, how it will benefit you personally and how achieving a ‘healthier you’ benefits the people you care for. 

Abuse in Disability Services

Abuse in Disability Services - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 26 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course will introduce you to, or refresh your understanding of, abuse in disability services. Abuse is much more common than our society has traditionally admitted. It is often hidden and unreported.

This eLearning course will also alert you to the various forms of abuse in disability services.

A clearer understanding of what abuse actually is will certainly reduce the risk of it happening in your workplace.

Access Vehicles – Knowledge, Understanding and Equipment

Access Vehicles – Knowledge, Understanding and Equipment - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 58 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course describes the skills and knowledge required to perform manual handling tasks and safety inspections. It also covers information about using ancillary equipment on a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

This course will also cover how to assess and test ancillary equipment for damage and faults, equipment usage tips, assisting passengers and manoeuvring vehicles using awareness and assessment principles.

Bullying and Harassment Including Sexual Harassment

Bullying and Harassment Including Sexual Harassment - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 42 Minutes or LESS

A must for all employees when they join any organisation and as an ongoing refresher course for existing staff.

This course is primarily focused on understanding bullying and harassment – including many forms of sexual harassment, sex-based harassment and discrimination as they apply to employees as a worker, their own behaviour to other co-workers and how it may impact the overall workplace environment.

Each key category of bullying and harassment is explained and defined with practical examples provided. It also includes other topics often overlooked. Examples include, common types of bullying personalities, the 'power gap' syndrome, conscious and sub-conscious behaviour and actions employers are allowed to take that is sometimes wrongfully considered as bullying or harassment.   

This course also compliments any ‘positive duty’ obligations on employers and business leaders now being required to take a proactive and preventative approach to bullying and harassment rather than previously having an obligation to respond and take remedial action to employers after they occur.

All topics have been designed to cover certain amendments to existing and new legislation in relation to bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination and conduct that creates a hostile workplace. Most content is explained in a relevant 'non-legalise' and practical manner for learners to better understand the key learning points and how it applies in a real-world work environment.  





De-Escalation and Physical Disengagement

De-Escalation and Physical Disengagement - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 52 Minutes or LESS

Care workers must deal with behaviours of concern almost daily. The risk of physical and emotional harm to both workers and clients is always present and not uncommon.

This course is specifically designed to provide the practical skills and knowledge to help reduce the risk of harm. Participants will learn manoeuvres to safely disengage from a range of physical threats.

The training also covers ways to use non-physical methods to de-escalate a situation before it gets much worse.

This course focusses on practical ways to:-

  • Use a range of defence manoeuvres to safely disengage from various types of physical attack.
  • Use observation, verbal and other non-physical techniques to de-escalate a concerning situation.
  • Understand the stages of the Behaviour Escalation Cycle and how to ‘practically’ use it.
  • Lower the risk of physical harm to workers and clients, whilst maintaining the respect of the client.
  • Handle typical ‘real life’ situations raised by participants.

In addition to eLearning, bookings for practical face-to-face group training classes can also be arranged for this course. We also offer DIY Trainer kits and workbooks as an alternative to our eLearning or face-to-face group training options.

Diversity and Culture in Healthcare

Diversity and Culture in Healthcare - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 37 Minutes or LESS

The knowledge and key points provided in this course are beneficial for those that work in ANY area of Healthcare or Care in general - including the Aged, Disability, Home and Community Care sectors.

This eLearning course describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social backgrounds and cultural groups. This includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, LGBTI people, place of birth, religious beliefs and generational considerations.

Australia is also a multi-cultural society. Having a better understanding and awareness of different social and cultural related considerations and expectations when caring for an individual is also addressed.

Elder Abuse and Mandatory Reporting - Including SIRS

Elder Abuse and Mandatory Reporting - Including SIRS - V3.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 37 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course will introduce you to, and refresh your understanding of, the many types of elderly abuse and neglect that can occur – including a range of signs and symptoms indicating abuse may be occurring.

You will also learn about and gain an understanding of the mandatory reporting requirements under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) introduced by the Federal Government for approved providers of residential care, home care and flexible care provided in a home or community setting.

Advice for non-approved providers is also covered.

NOTE: This course also addresses the most recent SIRS related amendments to the Aged Care Act and the Quality and Safety Commission Act.


End of Life Care

End of Life Care - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 36 Minutes or LESS

As the final stage in a person's life approaches, it is a uniquely important time for the dying person, their family and close friends.

End-of-life care refers to the care provided in the months, weeks, days leading up to a person's death. It includes physical, medical, emotional, social, and spiritual support for patients/clients and their families.

This course covers a range of important topics about end-of-life care - from equally important viewpoints.  The workers that provide professional care, the person experiencing end-of-life and also their family and loved ones.

There's also sections about VAD - Voluntary Assisted Dying, the benefits of Advance Care Planning & Advance Care Directives - plus a number of short videos and links to a range of very useful resources, information and toolkits relating to end-of-life care.

Epilepsy - Awareness and Providing Support

Epilepsy - Awareness and Providing Support - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 41 Minutes or LESS

Epilepsy is most common among those with certain types of disability and the aged.

It is crucial that anyone providing care/support for a person with epilepsy has the required level of awareness about epilepsy and the skills and knowledge that may be required of them as part of their role. This includes knowing what to do when providing care/support for a person with epilepsy when they are having a seizure.

This course covers what epilepsy is, debunks common myths, explains types of seizures, triggers, basic first aid, support/care guidelines, types of epilepsy related documentation, and risk management, among other topics!

This is course is an important resource to compliment your own employee development requirements and provider obligations when providing care/support for those with epilepsy.




Food Safety and Hygiene

Food Safety and Hygiene - V3.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 27 Minutes or LESS

This course provides food handlers and other care/support workers with the fundamentals of good food safety/hygiene practice, general food safety controls and procedures. It also gives awareness about the hazards of handling food.

It also covers additional tips and considerations for those in home care environments for the aged and those with disability. Home care environments typically present different challenges compared to those working in a residential or healthcare facility.

Infection Prevention and Control for Carers

Infection Prevention and Control for Carers - V3.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 37 Minutes or LESS

Infection control and prevention is an essential part of care and the responsibility of all staff providing care to older people and people with disability.

This eLearning course provides information on the key principles of infection prevention and control for the disability, residential aged care and home and community care services.

It also includes information about effective hand hygiene, using spill kits and appropriate waste disposal.

Introduction to Ageing

Introduction to Ageing - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 49 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course acts as an introduction to, and gives an overview of, the various aspects of the ageing process. There is more to understand than most people realise. It also addresses some of the common ‘myths’ associated with ageing.

It will also introduce you to some of the opportunities and challenges of working in this growing and diverse sector through a better understanding of ageing and how it eventually becomes a part of all of us.

Introduction to Dementia

Introduction to Dementia - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 49 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course has been designed to provide you with an introduction to understanding what dementia actually is. It also covers the causes and effects of dementia and how it can affect people.

The number of people in Australia diagnosed with dementia continues to grow each year. The demand on the sector to care for individuals with dementia and the impact it has on everyone involved is also growing. 

Introduction to Disability

Introduction to Disability - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 21 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course acts as an introduction only and gives an overview of the various types of disability. There are many different kinds of disabilities.

This course will also introduce participants to a better understanding of disability and cover a variety of topics associated with caring for people with disability. 

Introduction to Medication Assistance

Introduction to Medication Assistance - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 47 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course is designed for support/care workers who want an introduction to and a better understanding of the required skills and knowledge to assist clients with medication. A wide range of topics are covered.

Topics include: Legislative Principles for Medication, Medication, Storing and Disposing of Medications, Self-Medication, Side Effects, Medication Errors, Reporting Requirements and Help.

Loss and Grief

Loss and Grief - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 30 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise and respond to the needs of people who are experiencing loss, grief and bereavement.

The physical and emotional impact on a person when someone they care about dies can be considerable. Correctly recognising and responding to a grieving individual can be challenging and is a common requirement you may encounter. 

Managing Behaviours of Concern

Managing Behaviours of Concern - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 35 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor individuals, respond to behaviours of concern, deal with conflict and support the responsibility for behaviour management and change.

This course also covers many other considerations. For example, de-escalation and physical disengagement practices.

Manual Handling and WHS in Aged, Disability and Home Care

Manual Handling and WHS in Aged, Disability and Home Care - V3.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 33 Minutes or LESS

The manual handling of people and other physical day-to-day tasks, particularly assisting clients with daily activities such as personal care and mobility tasks, constitutes a large proportion of the manual handling activities performed by care sector workers. Incorrect manual handling is also a leading cause of care sector work related injuries.

This eLearning course covers manual handling specifically relevant to those in aged, disability and home care work environments. It also describes 'practical' (WHS/OHS) work practices for safe manual handling, hazard identification & risk assessment.

This course also includes demonstration videos for usage of equipment for Lie to Sit, Slide Sheets, Sit to Sit, Sit to Stand and Keeping Your Back Safe.

Mealtime Management, Safe Feeding and Dysphagia

Mealtime Management, Safe Feeding and Dysphagia - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 51 Minutes or LESS

This course covers a wide range of topics to help participants understand why and how Aged and Disability Care Providers manage the risks of providing competent and safe support/s to individuals that have difficulty with swallowing (dysphagia).

To provide safe and enjoyable mealtimes for those that have difficulty swallowing, understanding what ‘Dysphagia is, and how any care related role may play an important part in overall mealtime management practices, is essential!

Some of the topics covered include identifying dysphagia 'red flags' and causes, oral health and hygiene, effective communication, mealtime management plans, menu plans, key team members and the impact on various worker roles, duty of care, choking, correct posture & positioning and understanding the importance of food textures and drink thicknesses. 

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 22 Minutes or LESS

Having a suitable understanding of medical terminology is important if you are a provider of care. A comprehensive variety of medical related terminology is used daily.

Understanding what they actually mean is also critical. Medical and health terminology is spoken and written in all documents, charts and reports. For this reason it is important to be able to say, spell and read medical terms.

This course also provides knowledge you can use to continuously enhance your own understanding of medical terminology.

Person Centred Care and Empowerment

Person Centred Care and Empowerment - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 34 Minutes or LESS

Our person centred care and empowerment eLearning course is all about making sure a client is at the centre of all decisions and actions that relate to their life and any support required.

The person requesting or requiring support is the 'driver', rather than the organisation providing the support.

Being person-centred assumes that an individual can determine their own direction in life - based on their own strengths, abilities, networks and preferences to meet a range of goals throughout their life.

Stress and Mental Health in The Workplace

Stress and Mental Health in The Workplace - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 22 Minutes or LESS

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

Topics include:- The scope of mental health, work related stress , managing stress, workplace support and communicating to reduce stress.

Therapeutic Relationships and Professional Boundaries

Therapeutic Relationships and Professional Boundaries - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 32 Minutes or LESS

Professional boundaries define effective and appropriate interactions between the professional (care/support worker) and the person accessing a service, such as a client.

Understanding and applying professional boundaries ensures professional standards are maintained and people are supported in a safe, respectful and dignified manner. 

Transport Frail Aged and Those with Disability

Transport Frail Aged and Those with Disability - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 35 Minutes or LESS

This eLearning course covers the skills and knowledge required to operate vehicles used for the transportation of frail aged passengers and people with disability.

This course also addresses the NSW Government Point-to-Point Transport reforms.

Some of the topics covered include:-

  • Conduct Pre-operational Checks on Vehicles
  • Drive a Vehicle Used by Passengers with Disability
  • Work, Health & Safety (WHS/OHS)
  • Restraints, Ancillary Equipment and Stowing
  • Maximise Your Clients’ Travelling Comfort
  • Road Rules and You
  • Signs and Indicators
  • Operation of Wheelchair Lift Using Wheelchair Restraints

In addition to eLearning, bookings for practical face-to-face group training classes can also be arranged for this course. We also offer DIY Trainer kits and workbooks as an alternative to our eLearning or face-to-face group training options.

Tube Feeding and Care - PEG and PEJ

Tube Feeding and Care - PEG and PEJ - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour 15 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 1hr 13 Minutes or LESS

Supporting and caring for a person who is reliant on tube feeding can be an important part of a worker’s role. 

Whether a worker is fully qualified to conduct the tube feeding, only permitted to assist or only authorised to observe... the daily care requirements and key responsibilities before, during and after each feed require most workers to know much more!

In addition to explaining the 3 main methods of PEG/PEJ tube feeding, this eLearning course covers many other important topics relating to the required skills, knowledge, training, work practices and authority for workers supporting and caring for a person who is reliant on tube feeding. 

Understanding PEG/PEJ tube feeding, daily care of the stoma site, infection and hygiene control practices, identifying and addressing any problems, documentation, administering medication, and working within permitted boundaries are just a few examples of the many topics covered in the course.



Understanding Behaviour

Understanding Behaviour - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 50 Minutes or LESS

No behaviour management strategy is universally effective. As a care worker, handling the emotional, physical and mental demands of clients can be challenging.

Handling a range of emotional, physical and mental related demands can be made easier by taking the time to get to know how to deal with these issues in a calm and relaxed manner.

This eLearning course covers a range of methods to help achieve this.

Working With People With Mental Health Issues

Working With People With Mental Health Issues - V2.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
45 Minutes

*70% complete this course in 34 Minutes or LESS

Mental Health is the general term used to describe the wellness of an individual in how they think, behave and feel.

In this course you will learn how to work with people with mental health issues. You will also gain an understanding of the term 'Mental Health' as well as what mental illness is and the various general types of mental illness.


Workplace Documentation in Aged Care

Workplace Documentation in Aged Care - V3.0

Typical eLearning Duration:
1 Hour

*70% complete this course in 50 Minutes or LESS

There is a common saying in the care industry, "If it is not written down, it didn't happen".

Correct documentation plays an important part in the care sector for many reasons. Workplace documentation is also an integral part of the care sector.

It is a primary communication tool between health/care professionals and forms the basis for evidence of care. This documentation is also used for research, legal analysis and determining the allocation of resources. 

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By request, you are able to preview a sample of our eLearning courses before you decide to purchase. In addition to the eLearning purchase options, some titles have extra training resources & services available. These may include in-person face-to-face group training classes, workbooks and DIY Train-The-Trainer kits. 

Additionally, if you like the idea of using the 'OUR UCT LMS' Option it is FREE to create an Account.